Cash, check or money orders are accepted in the office. Our office is open from 7:00 am – 3:30 pm Monday – Friday. We have a drop box located at the front of our office entrance – 50 Water Lane Seekonk, MA. Credit card payment option is available online only. Pay Now.

No, septic systems are in use throughout the Town. Questions related to septic systems can be addressed to the Board of Health at 508-336-2950.
Residential accounts are billed out quarterly – January, April, July, October.
Commercial accounts are billed out monthly.
No, we do not bill tenants, property owners will receive the bill directly.
Report suspected water leaks to the Water District Tel. 508-761-8170. This line is monitored 24 hours a day / 7 days a week. Leaks on private property are the responsibility of the homeowner.
Please call the office for a mark out – we will identify your curb box at the street with blue marking paint. We will not mark on private property.